Ingram Family

Thursday, August 16, 2007

HELP ! ! ! We have fundraiser.

As many of you know, adoption can be quite costly. We are having another fundraiser to help us bring our son, Hoang, home. This is a great fundraiser that will help us as well as help you. Many of you already buy wrapping paper and cards for many occasions. We have teamed up with a company called Current that sells these items. It is very easy to order online and we get money back from your order. You get the goods, we get help with this costly endeavor. Here are the directions: 1) go to; 2) click on the "Start Shopping Now" button; 3) order the items you want by placing them in your shopping cart; 4) when you go to check out, choose the organization's state (North Carolina); 5) then choose the organization's name: Jennifer Ingram - adoption fund; It is that simple. The items are shipped to you and that is all you need to do to help us. We get 50% of the cost of each item. So, start shopping!!!! Just to give you an update on our progress, well, there isn't anything at this time. Jennifer spoke with Michelle last week and she told us that we were over the estimated average time frame for this step. She also told her that two couples had just received their travel approval to Danang, which let us know that things are being processed and not just at a stand still. Once we get out of this step, the last step takes about 4 weeks. So.....if we got a call today, we could plan to travel in about 6 weeks. Thanks for all your help and prayers. We are getting tired of waiting, but we know it will be worth it in the end. We love you and can't wait to post that we are traveling. Keep checking back and again, start shopping. We are putting a link to the website on the right hand side under "Links". Thanks again.


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