Ingram Family

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Very Sad

Jennifer and I heard it at the same time.  We were listening to the radio (she in her van and me in my car) and I called her to make sure she had heard it.  The news hit like a ton of bricks.  Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter, Maria, had been tragically killed.  Many of you know our adoption story and the inspiration behind it.  If you don't, please let me tell you.  Jennifer and I had given up on adoption and decided that God meant for our family to be a family of 3.  That was about the time she gave me Chapman's newest Christmas album for our anniversary 1 and 1/2 years ago.  In it was a slip of paper about adoption and Holt International.  It was only a week later that we found Isaac.  If you haven't heard this album, find it and listen to the song about adoption.  (number 3 I think???)  That was all the inspiration God needed to give me.  At that point, I didn't know what we were in for, how we would accomplish such a task and how in the world we would ever pay for it.  God saw and is seeing us through every part of this wonderful plan He has for us.  Isaac is here now and living at home!  He is the one of the best gifts we could have ever received.  God has blessed us tremendously and I would live in a cardboard box just to have my family.  Know that we are saddened by this tragic event and are praying for this family.  They were a major inspiration for us.  Take time to spend with your family and "Dance with your Cinderella" today!  (another SCC song.)


Blogger Carol Davis said...

I need a new post from the Ingram CREW!!! Visit my blog...

You are it!

August 13, 2008 at 5:45 PM  

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